Explosions, Inc.

Have science, will travel

Home to the finest science shows this side of the Big Bang performed by the two best science guys in this (or any other) universe. Have science, will travel.

Filtering by Tag: Vlog

Constant Science: It's Elementary

Today on Constant Science I decided to talk about chemistry. In all honestly it's odd that it's taken us this long to get around to it because a lot of what we do is chemistry. Fire and explosions? Straight-up chemistry. Some nice chemical reactions with an attendant release of excess energy as the atoms switch themselves up, forming new compounds. 

In the video I only go into the very basics of chemistry and what chemicals are; things get way more complicated than that but you gotta start somewhere. Click through to watch!

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Constant Science: The Perils of Rosetta

It's Monday, and that means that it's time for a new episode of our vlog series, which we have newly rechristened "Constant Science," because that is a way cooler name than "Science Talks." This week I talk with great enthusiasm all about the Rosetta space probe, currently in orbit around a freakin' comet! That is just cool as hell and I will tell you why. As always, please suggest topics for future videos in the comments! 

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Science Talk: "Ebola: Threat or Menace?"

Happy Monday, fans of science and things that explode. Today we're bringing you the inaugural video in our "Science Talks" series of video blogs, where we talk science that isn't exactly amenable to exciting, theatrical coverage on a big stage. I decided to start all topical and stuff and talk a bit about Ebola and why it's not really anything you need to worry about if you live in the United States. We've got ideas for further videos in this series but if there's a topic in science that confuses and enrages you and you want us to try to break it down to something simpler, let us know by dropping it in the comments. Click through for the video!

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