Explosions, Inc.

Have science, will travel

Home to the finest science shows this side of the Big Bang performed by the two best science guys in this (or any other) universe. Have science, will travel.

Filtering by Tag: Media

Constant Science: Leprosy for Fun and Profit

Leprosy has been in the news a lot lately, like this CNN article titled "Armadillos cause spike in leprosy cases in Florida" (of course it's Florida). Most people have heard of leprosy. For one thing, it comes up in both the Old and New Testaments all the time. It's been with humanity for millennia and most cultures have some sort of relationship with the disease. But what is Leprosy, really? And what's going on in Florida? And what to armadillos have to do with anything? In this week's Constant Science I answer those questions and more. As we'll discover, the news media--once again--isn't giving you the whole story when it comes to an outbreak of a disease. Click on through for the video!

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Quick Fix Science Pics

I did not set out to make a post with a rhyming title but it looks like I ended up there anyway. We do a lot of media here at Explosions, Inc., but it's mostly of the video variety. Today I've put together some pictures packed full of sweet, sweet science tidbits that are perfect for posting to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Imgur, what have you. They're all here in this post and I'll be tossing them out one at a time on our own Twitter and Instagram feeds over the course of the next week or two. If you don't follow us on any social media, what the heck are you waiting for?

Is this a common thing to do these days? Yes. Are we sell-outs for hopping on the train? Maybe, but that train is going places, baby! Share the crap out of these, if you would. Aaron and I really tried to make these serious and seriously interesting instead of fluff pieces and we think people will dig them. We want to see these all over social media! Click through for the pictures!

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Man of Random Science: The Power of Performance

Happy Monday, everyone! Unfortunately, I have fallen victim to whatever bug has been going around the Midwest for the last month or two. I’m not dead on my feet by any means but my voice is not exactly ready for prime time. Today, then, instead I’m going to write a short entry about why we do what we do.

I already answered the question “Why Science?” in a previous post. Today I’m going to try to answer the question  “Why science shows?” In other words, why do Aaron and I perform science on stage? What do we get out of it?

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Constant Science: It's Elementary

Today on Constant Science I decided to talk about chemistry. In all honestly it's odd that it's taken us this long to get around to it because a lot of what we do is chemistry. Fire and explosions? Straight-up chemistry. Some nice chemical reactions with an attendant release of excess energy as the atoms switch themselves up, forming new compounds. 

In the video I only go into the very basics of chemistry and what chemicals are; things get way more complicated than that but you gotta start somewhere. Click through to watch!

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Mutant Corn Vs. Canadian Bees

Amid the detritus of the sparsely attended mid-term election, many folks in Oregon are still all riled up. Measure 92, which proposed labeling for GMO foodstuffs was defeated although the PR war promises to continue through the next election cycle and into perpetuity. Not surprisingly I see more and more articles popping up in social media on both sides of the issue and, even though I’m not quite ready to open up that particular can of worms (unless we get requests……..), I’d like to use the debate to highlight some issues with how we parse the huge amounts of information provided to us through the many interconnecting tubes of the internet.

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Constant Science: The Dreaded Bed of Nails!

So I didn't have a lot of time this week to put together a new vlog covering some sweet new content. Instead I have pulled another bit from our full-length show "Don't Try This at Home," which you can watch in its entirety on our Performances page. In this clip, Aaron faces my wrath as I wield my mighty sledgehammer. After trapping him between two beds of nails. With a cinderblock on top. This is a classic demonstration of the sometimes counterintuitive nature of physics and energy transfer, but like everything we do we do it up. We bring a flair and style to this demo that you'll rarely, if ever, find elsewhere. And so far I haven't killed Aaron.

So far.

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Aaron's TEDxSpokane Talk

A couple of years ago, when we were both working in the education department at Mobius Science Center in Spokane, Washington, Aaron was invited to give a talk at the local TEDx conference. He chose to speak about why science education is important to the world and why it's his passion personally. If you want to skip to the video, click through and scroll down, but I wanted to add something to it first. Both of us feel the same passion for science and science education. People often act surprised and delighted when they find out that informal science is my full-time job and has been for years. Some of the comments they make have led me to believe that there may be this general idea going around that only dedicated scientists can really, truly love and understand science.

Well, we are proof that people who aren't full-time scientists can love and understand science. We do what we do because we want everyone else to feel the same way we do. There's a lot of talk about jobs in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields and those are important. But the world needs accountants, sewer inspectors, pig farmers, musicians, hairstylists, crab fisherman, police officers, and, well, I think you get my point. All of those people have the same potential to fall in love with the universe, to see the grandeur of the cosmos in the sweep of Saturn's rings or the metabolism of a plant cell, as a PhD-holding scientist. Science isn't a job to do; it's a massive, crazy, and yet somehow majestic body of knowledge and, more importantly, it's a way of looking at the world so that we arrive at the most accurate knowledge possible. It's a process of becoming continually, incrementally, less wrong in how we view the universe through the controlled collection of high-quality evidence. And that body of knowledge, that process, is utterly invaluable, universally applicable, and available to everybody. It's just that not everybody realizes it.

We do what we do to help people make that leap. To become scientists without becoming scientists, so to speak. Everyone who has ever looked at something in the world and wondered about it has already taken the first step; we exist to extend a helping hand forward.

But I digress. Aaron says it better than I can in his presentation, titled "How to Be Absolutely Fascinating with Nothing But a Bucket of Dirt."

Copyright 2017 by Aaron Berenbach and Don Riefler

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