Explosions, Inc.

Have science, will travel

Home to the finest science shows this side of the Big Bang performed by the two best science guys in this (or any other) universe. Have science, will travel.

Man of Constant Science: The Music Video

And we're back! Apologies for the wait time everyone, while we were getting all of our ducks in rows so they could properly dot our i's and cross our t's. But now we're back with a brand new website and a whole bunch of goodies!

The last six weeks have been busy ones for Aaron and I as we built our new website and developed some new material. I even flew out to visit him in Oregon and we shot a boatload of new video that I'm currently editing into some really cool shorts.

The first thing you'll notice, though, is our sweet new website. It's got the same information as the old one, but sometimes in slightly different places. We've consolidated our social media onto a single page and we've added a page for local shows, for those of you in Oregon or Indiana who are looking for a smaller, single-man show at your school, library, or even birthday party. Please check it out if you want a private event with the best science show on the planet.

Now, though, comes the big announcement. One of the things we did while I was in Oregon was to shoot a freakin' music video! Aaron's band The Diatoms, which he's mentioned before, recorded a full album of STEMpunk (get it? It's punk songs about science), including a fully mastered version of "Man of Constant Science," the theme song for our "Constant Science" video blogs. We thought it deserved a video so we made it one. Without further ado, I present to you "Man of Constant Science": a look at an average day in the life of the two best science guys on the planet.

Remember, folks, we do science and we do it well. Tell all your friends because we want to see you (and we want you to see us) at your next big science festival, Maker Faire, Comic Con, whatever. Science!

Copyright 2017 by Aaron Berenbach and Don Riefler

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