Explosions, Inc.

Have science, will travel

Home to the finest science shows this side of the Big Bang performed by the two best science guys in this (or any other) universe. Have science, will travel.

Show Clip: The Flaming Bubbles

We know that our full length show video might be slightly daunting at nearly 90 minutes long, but there's so much great stuff in there. To make all that great stuff a bit easier to parse, Aaron and I have decided to cut it down into bite-sized snippets of some of our demos and post them independently. It'll give you just a small taste of the awesomeness that is an Explosions, Inc. Science Show. Today's feature, which you can find by clicking through to the full post, is our signature move, the one that inspired our logo: the Flaming Bubbles. As we like to say, though, before things like this, under no circumstances should you try this at home! Ever! We are trained professionals who have done this hundreds of times apiece and know the techniques necessary to making it as safe as it can be.

If this has whet your appetite, you can check out the full video on our Performances page or on YouTube. More to come in the days and weeks ahead!

Copyright 2017 by Aaron Berenbach and Don Riefler

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